
[ot] 2002 Hugo Winners

Donald L. Wasylyk phlebas_1 at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 3 11:08:41 PDT 2002

> > Neil Gaiman's _American Gods_ wins the 2002 Hugo for Best Novel.
> Living proof that even voters get it right sometimes.  :-)  Congrats to
> Neil.

I don't know; I've enjoyed all of Gaiman's work, and thought American Gods
was a decent book, but I'd be hard pressed to choose it over _Perdido Street
Station_ for the Hugo.  Mieville's writing was excellent, and I thought New
Crobuzon was an extremely detailed, vibrant backdrop for some truly
interesting characters.  It was one of the better books I've read recently.
In comparison, the characters in American Gods struck a flat note for me,
and though I finished the book without any trouble, I didn't leave me with
the same enthusiasm that Gaiman's previous novels _Neverwhere_ and
_Stardust_ did.

I enjoyed Bujold's book, but can't remember anything that stood out in it.
Haven't read the other nominees yet.  But congrats to Gaiman, all the same.

- D.L.W.