
[ot] 2002 Hugo Winners

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Thu Sep 5 15:11:52 PDT 2002

Adina Adler <adina at panix.com> writes:

> Steve Simmons wrote:
> >someone unattributed wrote:
> >> Neil Gaiman's _American Gods_ wins the 2002 Hugo for Best Novel.
> >
> >Living proof that even voters get it right sometimes.  :-)  Congrats to
> >Neil.
> I just want to point out that you, too, can be one of those voters.
> All it takes is the price of a supporting membership in the current
> Worldcon; for this year, that's Torcon 3, in Toronto, Aug. 28-Sep 1,
> 2003. A supporting membership gets you all of the convention
> publications, plus the right to nominate and vote for the Hugos. For
> more information, visit http://www.torcon3.on.ca/ . 

And I might point out that nominating is arguably even more powerful
than voting. 

> (Or you can contact me off-line; I'm not on the Torcon committee,
> but I've been to a lot of Worldcons and can explain most of the
> rules.)

We can discuss the arcane details of "Australian" ballot counting and
confuse *everybody* :-).
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  New TMDA anti-spam in test
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