
[ot] 2002 Hugo Winners

Steve Simmons scs at di.org
Thu Sep 5 19:34:02 PDT 2002

David Dyer-Bennet writes:

> We can discuss the arcane details of "Australian" ballot counting and
> confuse *everybody* :-).

Ever see the rules for the Hogus and the Black Hole awards?  They were
(are?) parodies of the Hugo and Nebula, given out annually at WorldCon.
The award ceremony was held in a McDonalds and call The Ranquet.

Voting was done by the Austrian system.  Everyone who wants can vote for
their favorites in rank order, as often as they like.  The judges take
the ballots, throw them away, and decide who's going to win.  It's a
lot easier on everyone involved, and a lot funnier than letting the
masses decide.

Jeez, I haven't been to one of those in over 20 years... wonder if they're
still doing them.  One year the winner for 'Best Typeface' was 'Nordic,
with high cheekbones.'