
where Kiera was

Thu Sep 12 09:04:52 PDT 2002

KG wrote [in part]:
>"Casey Rousseau" <casey at trinityhartford.org> writes:
> > [KG] wrote:
> >> I like the way you speculate; have you given any thought
> >> to where Kiera was when Stony died?  That one's been
> >> bugging me for years, becuase you can't blame it on
> >> unreliable narrators or even typoes.
> >
> > Hmm.  I was just rereading _Orca_ a week or so ago and did
> > not notice any continuity blips.
> >
> > You mentioned this bit a few days back and it didn't
> > register, but can you point me to why this one is bugging
> > you?  Are you thinking that Kiera was involved in making
> > Stony et al. unrevivifiable?  Seems to me she was busy
> > doing other things while Vlad was visiting Vonnith, but
> > I'd have to go back to do a close read of those couple
> > chapters to be certain.
> It is kinda subtle due to the format of the book and the fact
> that Vlad and Kiera were doing separate things for a couple
> days.  Here's what I understand happened:
> Kiera gets people upset, waits for reaction.
> Couple Jhereg goons escort her to Stony, they talk.
> Kiera is worried then, so she *hurries* back to Blue Cottage.
> She arrives almost exactly *one day* after Vlad kills Stony.
> My question: Where was she when Stony died?

Hmm.  Was that the day she went home?