
Desperately Seeking Discussion

Dennis Higbee den at monger.net
Fri Sep 20 10:14:57 PDT 2002

On Fri, 20 Sep 2002, Mia McDavid wrote:

> Rachel asked:
> >
> > How about this: What House would each of the original Star Trek crew be
> > in?  I see Spock as a Lyorn.
> >
> > Rachel
> >
> I think Kirk would be a Dzur--brave and stupid.  Yes, he's supposed to be a
> leader, which would make him a Dragon, but I don't think so.
> Scotty would be an Athyra, I think--looking deep into the mysteries of
> engineering.

I thought Vallistas were the engineers of Dragaera.  They at least run the 
mines, which is a discipline that requires engineering skills.

"Valista rends and then rebuilds" seems to fit the mind of an engineer,
