
New Topic - re-Reading Habits

chris cunningham chrislee at neo.rr.com
Fri Sep 20 10:45:36 PDT 2002

> How about this for discussion?  Since I'm sure some of
> you obsessively re-read the Vlad books as I do, I
> thought I would share some of the ways I do it.
> Key method: read, in short succession, all books first
> in publication then in chronological order (yes, I
> know about Dragon)  Very interesting, esp. with regard
> to Aliera and Sethra
> Read Taltos chronologically, i.e. first the Vlad
> history part, then the Paths of the Dead part
> (including the chapter headings)
> Read all the Verra interactions throughout the books
> Read the Cawti/Vlad sections of Teckla/Phoenix
> Any once else have other methods?

after being away for a while i pick one up at random, open it to a random
page and go from there, sometimes jumping back to start from the beginning.
i've been meaning to read the dragon chapter starters all at one time. maybe
tonight :)