In a message dated Fri, 27 Sep 2002 8:54:59 PM Eastern Standard Time, David Silberstein <davids at> writes: > On Wed, 25 Sep 2002, Erik Dahl wrote: > >> I'll come out of hiding and contribute on this topic. >> >> KG is right; there's a subtle inconsistency in /Orca/, >> which is hard to spot because it takes place over two long >> and involved chapters. >> You can read a description I wrote of the problem at: >> >> > > Yeah, after re-reading those parts, I can definitely see > the problem. > > It wouldn't take much to have covered it, too - just a > single vague sentence, right after she left Stony's, and > before she "hurried" back to Northport, saying "Then > something came up that called me away for another entire > day." And on re-reading ti, we could realize that _Sethra_ > got called and needed to go take care of something. Yes, that would have been the best way to handle it, and I even seem to recall Kiera doing something similar earlier in the book: something about running errands in Adrilankha maybe? > I asked Steve about Kiera showing up in Taltos if Sethra > couldn't leave Dzur Mountain, and this is his reply: > >SKZB> Sethra didn't leave Dzur Mountain. Ask anyone. Did >SKZB> anyone see Sethra outside of Dzur Mountain during that >SKZB> entire period? Actually yes, Vlad did; though he didn't realise it until several years later. I always figured that Sethra could leave for very brief periods so long as no one noticed. And leading an army against an Athyra wizard would certainly have been noticed. (Though I still can't understand why she couldn't wait until the Jenoine business was finished before rescuing Aliera.) --KG