
Questions about genealogy (the e'Mar'Chala thing)

Tue Oct 15 12:07:18 PDT 2002

<There's more than one.  There's one by the Necromancer, and there's 
at least one by "Katana e'Mar'Chala [sic]", so Mawdyearized by 
Vlad, because darn it if someone can mistake "Khaavren" for 
"Khaav'n", then Vlad can hear "Kathana e'Marish'Chala" and spell it 
"Katana e'Mar'Chala" -- >
I think what's going on here is not a fumble on Vlad's part, nor a transcription error, but rather a general linguistic habit on the part of Dragaerans. For example, in PG (pp. 49-50 in the paperback edition) we have a reference to the "Sivali-Yangorra stones", a game you may recognize from the Vlad books as "S'yang Stones".  It could be that, either as a result of the general pragmatism of post-Interregnum society, or simple laziness, Dragaerans have taken to leaving a few letters out of the most polysyllabic words/names. Think modern French versus Medieval French. Just a thought...