
Questions about genealogy & stuff

Ruhlen, Rachel Louise (UMC-Student) RuhlenR at missouri.edu
Wed Oct 16 08:32:30 PDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: A Knight in White Satin [mailto:pendragon at vaxer.net] 

> David Silberstein wrote:
> >>Doesn't square with Khaavren's assertion that daughters take after
> >>mothers and that sons take after their fathers, does it?  So, then, 
> >>are sons named for their father's line, and then daughters are 
> >>named for their mothe -- NO, BECAUSE OF ALIERA E'KIERON. 
> > Ah, but Aliera is very unusual in more than one way.  So 
> perhaps she's 
> > different in her lineage & naming & whatnot as well.  But Steve 
> > refuses to give clue one in that direction.
> I can readily see Aliera breaking convention on naming, if 
> she was entitled to 
> take "e'Kieron" but "convention" said otherwise.   It's 
> another excuse to 
> challenge for a duel, after all, if anybody makes an issue of 
> it.  [Remember, 
> the bit about levitating under longer gowns to disguise her height]

Perhaps the girl-mother boy-father theory is right.  But how would you
go about naming your daugther after Verra, her mother?  It's logical to
take "e'Kieron"...and then duel anyone who breathes the word "bastard".
