
Dream of Passion Vs. Issola (major spoiler for Issola and DoP)

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Thu Oct 17 17:23:54 PDT 2002

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Wes wrote:

#I just read A Dream Of Passion and noted that there were some serious
#discrepancies between that story and Issola.  And even more perplexing
#questions that I thought that maybe others had speculated upon.

0. There sure are. I believe the listmind's opinion is that ADOP can't
be made to fit with _Issola_ and maybe some stuff before that, and is
best considered a dream, just as the title says. (Steve left himself an
out so he wouldn't be bound by this in developing the continuity --
that's my guess.) That makes most of your questions moot.

#1. How did Vlad have Spellbreaker again?  He even referred to it as
#    >the gold chain I had misnamed Spellbreaker

See 0.

#2. Kragar's dead?!?  Did the mysterious woman in white kill him?  Vlad says:
#    >she'd killed two people I knew

Two guards, yes? Kragar's apparently dead before this.

#3. Who was the second person she killed?

See 2.

#4. Who is she?

Some goddess; see 9.

#5. I thought Dragons and Dzur didn't mix...how did she love Morrolan?
#(mind you Dzur was the only house that Vlad could recognize about her)

So he thought. See 4.

#6. How did she know about the window?  and how could she know that if
#Morrolan doesn't even know about her?

See 4.

#7. How is godslayer separate from spellbreaker again?  spellbreaker
#became godslayer in Issola...and Vlad had called it "Lady Teldra"

See 0.

#8. Why is Vlad afraid of godslayer?  that contradicts the pride he had
#at the end of Issola.

See 0.

#9.  Vlad refers to the woman as a god...which one?

Nobody we know, as far as I know. There are lots of them.

#10.  Why was Vlad so upset over killing the woman?

She wanted his help. She was gorgeous. She offered him a huge bribe. She
knew that if he didn't take the job, he would kill her, and she'd given
him the means. It was a dream of passion.

Does that help?

-- Mark A. Mandel
   a Steven Brust Dragaera fan website