
Dream of Passion Vs. Issola (major spoiler for Issola and DoP)

David Silberstein davids at kithrup.com
Thu Oct 17 17:49:02 PDT 2002

On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Mark A Mandel wrote:

>On Thu, 17 Oct 2002, Wes wrote:
>#I just read A Dream Of Passion and noted that there were some serious
>#discrepancies between that story and Issola.  And even more perplexing
>#questions that I thought that maybe others had speculated upon.
>0. There sure are. I believe the listmind's opinion is that ADOP can't
>be made to fit with _Issola_ and maybe some stuff before that, and is
>best considered a dream, just as the title says. (Steve left himself an
>out so he wouldn't be bound by this in developing the continuity --
>that's my guess.) That makes most of your questions moot.

Also, see Steve's comment on the matter:


] [Dream of Passion] was an unpaid little thingy written for the
] chapbook of a convention, and I refuse to be bound by it.  Sheesh,
] I no longer even remember what happens in it except for the Zelazny
] reference that was sort's of it's whole point. 

>#5. I thought Dragons and Dzur didn't mix...how did she love Morrolan?
>#(mind you Dzur was the only house that Vlad could recognize about her)

Just thought I'd point out that "don't mix" *only* means "don't
crossbreed".  I think love affairs are considered OK as long as there
are no children resulting.  Consider "The Phoenix Guards", where
Khaavren (Tiassa) has the hots for Illista (Phoenix), Pel (Yendi) is
sparking Jenicor e'Terics (Dragon), Tazendra has several unnamed
"friends", some of whose houses are named as being Hawk & Issola - and
no stigma seems to attach to these affairs.  Ditto in FHYA, where
Aliera (Dragon) gets it on with Mario (Jhereg), and the Vlad books,
where Zerika IV (Phoenix) has an Easterner lover - and while that is
slightly scandalous, it doesn't seem to have the stigma that would
attach to actually having or being a crossbreed would.

Incidentally, when Zerika confirms to Vlad that an Easterner is her
lover, she says something along the lines of "because that is where
his soul resides" - which makes me wonder if perhaps Zerika will be
shown to have a Dragaeran lover who is killed at some point in the
Khaavren books, and the Easterner Laszlo is the reincarnation of this