
Dream of Passion Vs. Issola (major spoiler for Issola and DoP)

Thu Oct 17 18:02:54 PDT 2002

and the Vlad books,
where Zerika IV (Phoenix) has an Easterner lover - and while that is
slightly scandalous, it doesn't seem to have the stigma that would
attach to actually having or being a crossbreed would.


I'd forgotten about that part...never really seemed to effect a whole lot, but I guess it does show the social norms pertaining to relationships between peoples of different houses.


Incidentally, when Zerika confirms to Vlad that an Easterner is her
lover, she says something along the lines of "because that is where
his soul resides" - which makes me wonder if perhaps Zerika will be
shown to have a Dragaeran lover who is killed at some point in the
Khaavren books, and the Easterner Laszlo is the reincarnation of this

Would be interesting to find out...
