
Casting the Khaavren Romances

Sun Oct 20 04:23:33 PDT 2002

Here goes another one: 
I think Vincent Perez would be a fabulous Khaavren (anyone who's seen /Queen Margot/ should agree...). That Corbett fellow from /Sex and the City/ and /Northern Exposure/ would be a fine Aerich. He has integrity. Jolene Blaylock from /Enterprise/ for Tazendra. I'm a little vague on Pel, he's not anyone in particular in my imagination. Kyle Maclachlan would be great as Adron.  Isabelle Adjani for Daro. Leo diCaprio for Tortaalik, and John Malkovich (with a wig, natch) for Rollondar e'Drien. Uma Thurman as Illista. Jonathan Rhys-Myers as Uttrik. Sian Phillips for Seodra. Jennifer Connely wouldn't be bad as Lytra e'Tenith. Johnny Depp as Count Shaltre. Christopher Plummer as G'aereth. Gabriel Byrne as Greycat/ Lord Garland. My 2c, feel free to disagree (or fill in the huge gaps I've left).