
Casting _Jhereg_

Tue Oct 22 22:51:09 PDT 2002

Hhhmmm, I think Geena Davis would make a PERFECT Cawti.  She played in "Long Kiss Goodnight" with Samuel Jackson and in the Pirate flick "Cut-throat Island".   She ciould pull off Cawti in a heatbeat.
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 Steven Brust <skzb at dreamcafe.com> wrote:At 01:46 AM 10/19/2002 -0400, FelixEisen at aol.com wrote:
>Speaking of detective shows, you know who I'd get as Noish-Pa? Peter Faulk,
>aka Columbo.

Oh my God! He'd be *perfect*!

Okay, as long I've said this, I'll give the few picks I have:

Vlad: Bruce Willis. (Yeah, yeah. Shut up. He can do action, and he has 
brilliant comic timing. Check out Hudson Hawk)

Voice of Loiosh: Robin Williams.

Cawti: Uh...that chic who played Josie Marcus in that horrid Wyatt Earp 
movie starring Kevin Costner.

Sethra Lavode: Susan Sarandon. I don't care what you've seen her in, she 
can pull it off. She can pull off any role she's given.

"Offense theives. -- they take it when it isn't offered." --Tom Digby

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