skzb at writes: > At 01:46 AM 10/19/2002 -0400, FelixEisen at wrote: > >Speaking of detective shows, you know who I'd get as Noish-Pa? Peter Faulk, > >aka Columbo. > Oh my God! He'd be *perfect*! There is something that goes *ping* in your heart when you hit on just the right person for a part -- and the author agrees with you. Steve, it was the bit he did as the Grandfather in 'The Princess Bride' that did it for you, wasn't it? I know that's what popped into -my- mind ... > Okay, as long I've said this, I'll give the few picks I have: > Vlad: Bruce Willis. (Yeah, yeah. Shut up. He can do action, and he has > brilliant comic timing. Check out Hudson Hawk) Despite what virtually everyone says about 'Hudson Hawk', I -liked- that movie. Especially keeping time to the songs. And yeah, I'd have to admit that Bruce would probably make a pretty good Vlad. > Voice of Loiosh: Robin Williams. > > Sethra Lavode: Susan Sarandon. I don't care what you've seen her in, she > can pull it off. She can pull off any role she's given. ... young enough, old enough, and those -eyes- ... okay, I'm sold. > No, Val Kilmer is Morrolan. Daymar is played by Steven Wright. Hmmm. I still think Lani Tupu would make a better Morrolan. He bears a greater sense of impending violence around him than Val Kilmer -- though that -may- just be the role of Peacekeeper Captain Crais. Of course, I have a character on a Pern-style MUSH named after Crais (C'rais, on brown Talynth), so I'm probably more than a mite biased. Steve, please tell me you watch Farscape every now and then. You -gotta- watch Farscape and see Crais, and determine whether or not he'd be the perfect Morrolan. Steven Wright as Daymar, on the other hand ... just the right amount of 'who, me?' and 'I don't care...' for the part. Wright would do an excellent job of showing the vast offhand power that Daymar pulls. You know, I'm almost surprised that Sethra & Co. didn't draw on Daymar during the big to-do against the Jenoine. They certainly know OF him ... but he is sort of a loose cannon. Knightmarshall Felix Surnamed Eisen, or "Iron Felix" Hand of Morr, The Order of Bones