This may only be of interest to a few folks, but wotthehell. I don't know how much thought Steve has given to his various languages (Dragearan, Serioli, Kanefthali, the secret languages of the Dragons and the secret language of the Orca, Fenarian (in the sense that it has diverged somewhat from Hungarian), etc, etc), but he (and others here) might be interested in perusing the Language Construction Kit pages: There's even a section on politeness, to be vaguely on-topic: For the linguistically inclined, the site owner has many linguistic web pages: Also, I stumbed across this page: that has the following tidbits (which reminded me of "Brokedown Palace", to be vaguely on-topic): The Hungarian word újjáépítésérõl ("about its reconstruction") has 7 diacritical marks. The Hungarian word újjáépítésére ("for its reconstruction") has 6 diacritical marks. [...] In Lithuanian, [...] kraujijimas is archaic for "staining with blood".