
Google hits on "jhereg"

Claire Rojstaczer ambyrglow at softhome.net
Tue Oct 29 13:06:16 PST 2002

>  > Google is supersaturated with references to Brust's stuff (or the RPG
>>  which was derived from his stuff), so that's no help.
>?  I'm not sure what you mean.  Can't you just ask Google to reject a
>bunch of keywords, e.g. type in
>     jhereg -brust -dragaera -dragaeran
>etc.?  Although it *is* true that since Google allows only 10 search
>terms (last I checked), so maybe that will screw things up.
>- tky

That particular search string still pulls up 3,400 results, the first 
few of which, at least, seem to be for a vaguely Dragaeran-related 

Curiously, Amazon's page for Jhereg also comes up in the top 10, 
despite having "Brust" smack in the middle of it.  Hmph.
