Chris Olson - SunPS writes: >SB: >> Like _The Phoenix Guards_, right? >Exactly, like the Phoenix Gua... Uh.... Nevermind... Well, actually, exactly like The Phoenix Guards. Like Paths of the Dead, too, actually. >(Actualy, Phoenix Guards kept MY attention, was exciting, >and moved fast enough to keep me interested. I've read >other books that weren't as "Dumas"-y and found myself >yawning. So, yeah! Like TPG!!!) The thing is...yeah, the Phoenix Guards books (all three of them, to date) do move slower than the Vlad series. But they're -still- a lot faster than their source material (certainly, Paths moves amazingly faster than it's source -- Vicompte is OK, but I'm currently plodding my way through 10 Years After [in the four book version], and it's got some extended periods where nothing happens except for some very slow intrigue. Wheras in Paths....well, I'm not going to talk about that, but it's a lot faster. -- Joshua Kronengold (mneme at "I've been teaching |\ _,,,--,,_ ,) --^ live, to breathe, to walk, to sample the /,`.-'`' -, ;-;;' /\\joy on each road, and the sorrow at each turning. |,4- ) )-,_ ) /\ /-\\\I'm sorry if I kept him out too late"--Vlad Taltos '---''(_/--' (_/-'