On Sunday, November 24, 2002, at 10:32 AM, Claire Rojstaczer wrote: > Not sure why no one has mentioned Brian Jacques's Redwall books yet, > but they're definitely aimed at that age group. They haven't survived > the test of time as comfort books for me, but I do recall enjoying them > when I was 10 or so. That's a definite yes. The Redwall series has exactly what I think a 10 or 11 year old would like. Despite the formulaic style, I still enjoy returning to them once and a while. > > > Tamora Pierce's books are targetted primarily towards girls, but she > does have two series, Circle of Magic and The Circle Opens, that are a > bit more egalitarian. Her other books are good for that age, too, but > I don't know if a boy would enjoy them. I never read anything by her until I was 20 but after it was recommended to me b a friend, I ended up loving her "Song of the Lioness" quartet, especially the first one. It has a great story and it is refreshing to see a "girl dresses up like boy" concept be told so well. AkodoBob