
A question re: Begining Fantacy for Youth

Mon Nov 25 00:30:12 PST 2002

Throw a little H.Beam Piper in there too?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Tiller" <mtiller at ntlworld.com>
To: "'Andrew Bailey'" <andrew at networkharmoni.com.au>;
<dragaera at dragaera.info>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 3:48 PM
Subject: RE: A question re: Begining Fantacy for Youth

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andrew Bailey
> >On the scifi front I have to recommend "The Stainless Steel Rat" series
> by Harry Harrison. I would suggest Fritz Leiber,
> >but it may be just a bit too old.
> I'll second that motion.  Long live Jim DeGriz, the Stainless steel rat!
> I'd also say that the Deryni novels by Katheriner Kurtz would be good
> for a child of that age.
> Mark