
A question re: Beginning Fantasy for Youth

Mon Nov 25 10:04:21 PST 2002

On Mon, Nov 25, 2002 at 12:02:43PM -0500, Casey Rousseau <casey at trinityhartford.org> wrote:
> I'm curious.  A question especially for those who responded strongly to my
> recommendation for the Covenant series, how old were you when you read them,
> if you recall.  I, for example, do not recall the rape scene mentioned by
> someone as being at the begining of the first one - Lord Foul's Bane -
> although I think I do remember a human sacrifice.  

The rape scene is there.  It forms a major plot point for the 
rest of the trilogy!  

The human sacrifice comes at the beginning of the Seocnd 
Chronicles, which are even darker and more disturbing.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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