
A question re: Beginning Fantasy for Youth

David Rodemaker dar at horusinc.com
Mon Nov 25 17:26:08 PST 2002

> #Matthew Hunter <matthew at infodancer.org> writes:
> #> As for Narnia, no denying the allegory, but it's a good story
> #> nonetheless.  It's not a book that tries to convert you, it's
> #> just told from an explicitly Christian viewpoint.
> #
> #That's what bugged me, it's *not* explicitly christian.  It's a
> #fantasy world, with non-christian fantasy religious elements, which he
> #whips the covers off at the end and blatantly associates with
> #christianity.  That's what pissed me off about it.
> Well, yeah. Except that for Lewis, the Christian mythos is absolutely
> true about the universe. The fair question, as I see it, is: Did Lewis
> expect the series to hit people this way, or could he reasonably have
> expected it to? And if so, how did he feel about it? -- Not necessarily
> questions we can answer.

The same argument could be made about LOTR, it's certainly as Christian as
Narnia is...

The argument can be made that both T. and L. were Christian mystics (not in
the occult sense but in the religious one) and were quite aware of what they
were doing.
