
A question re: Beginning Fantasy for Youth

Tue Nov 26 03:52:49 PST 2002

Casey Rousseau said:

> I'm curious.  A question especially for those who responded strongly to my
> recommendation for the Covenant series, how old were you when you read them,
> if you recall.  I, for example, do not recall the rape scene mentioned by
> someone as being at the begining of the first one - Lord Foul's Bane -
> although I think I do remember a human sacrifice.  It has been many years
> since I went back an reread this one.  Ususally I'll start with The Illearth
> War if I want to dip back into it.  I definitely read them before The One
> Tree came out in April of '82 which means I was not yet 12 and may have been
> only 10 when I started reading these.
> Casey

I read tried reading them in high school as they were being published
initially. The first thing Thomas Covenant does when he reaches the Land and
realizes his leprosy no longer affects him is rape the young girl who tries
to help him. At which point I put the book the book down and didn't pick it
up again for another five years, and then only read the series at the
insistence of friends.

Combustible yeti,


"Baldrick, does it have to be this way? Our valued friendship coming to an
end with me cutting you into long strips, then telling the Prince you walked
over a sharp cattle grid wearing an extremely heavy hat?" -- Edmund