
Damiano's Lute

Tue Nov 26 08:04:36 PST 2002

In our previous conversation:

Mia McDavid wrote:

 >> Speaking of religion in literature, one of the *many* things I love 
  >> about David Weber's work is that the Christian church is very much
 >> present in Honor's universe.  I get cranky when societies have total
 >> absence of religion--individuals may be athiests, but humans as a 
 >> are going to worship *something*.

 >Um.  Why?  Any particular reason or just your personal prejudice?  (I 
 >mean that as an insult, I'm genuinely curious.)
 >-- Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com http://www.exit.com/ Exit Consulting 

It is, in fact, part of my belief system.  However, I also point to the 
fact that, historically, societies *do* have religions.  Whether the 
*government* is religious or not, people worship.  Greeks, Romans, 
Hindus, Jews, African Animists, Christians, Muslims, Shinto, NeoPagan, 
Materialist, SuperPatriot--it is in human nature to follow the call of a 
higher power, whether we call it God, or the Ancestors, or the Forest 
Spirit, or the Destiny of America.  Individuals may be athiests, but 
humans as a group are religious creatures.
