
Music and books

Tue Nov 26 09:42:37 PST 2002

>To the left, I do sometimes listen to music while reading, and I find
>that sometimes what I'm reading is so interesting that I start
>ignoring the music, and sometimes the music is so compelling that I no
>longer give the text my full attention.  Some people have spoken of a
>particular piece of music being a good "soundtrack" for a particular
>written work, but I have not yet found such an example that works for

Steven King's Talisamn (Sp?) and the best of the doors double CD--- I 
don't read King, except for this novel, and I was in a remote place 
with limited choices, but the doors album fits absolutely perfectly.


p.s. I agree drop the youth fiction lines
Department of Biological Sciences
Palumbi Lab
Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University
Oceanview Blvd
Pacific Grove, Ca  93950
jalipaz at stanford.edu
phone: 831-655-6210

              Often statistics are used as drunken men use lampposts...
                                     for support rather than illumination.
                                                              Albert Einstein