
A question re: Beginning Fantasy for Youth

chris cunningham chrislee at neo.rr.com
Tue Nov 26 10:14:34 PST 2002

From: "Chris Olson - SunPS" <Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM>
> Well, Frodo teams up with Sauron to create the Dynamic Duo of
> Evil, and they tromp all over Middle Earth, destroying everything
> in their path (with the exception of Tom Bombadil, cause he's cool).
> Then they high-tail it over to Narnia, Pern, and a few other places,
> before they both get off'ed by some mustached human with a flying
> lizard on his shoulder...
> Sorry, hope I didn't spoil anything... <grin>
> Chris (ducking for cover)

you forgot to mention the part about frodo's finger:  how he takes to
waggling it at sauron and saying, in a squikky voice, "rod roM!, rod roM!"

chris cunningham