
A different Track

Rick Castello rick at 404.978.org
Tue Nov 26 11:55:34 PST 2002

Kat said:
> On Tue, Nov 26, 2002 at 10:37:24AM -0500, Rick Castello wrote:
>>      Programming with music - Yes.
>>      Reading with music - No.
>>      A well-written work creates its own sort of background score in
>> my head... it doesn't need any other music to compete with, if
>> I'd even notice what was going on in the background.
> I do this sometimes as well.
> Is it a matter of the music actually jarring with what your mind is
> providing, or is it something else?

     It's not even jarring, usually... it's probably best described
     the same way I'd describe someone trying to talk to me about
     something unimportant while I'm obviously curled up and engrossed
     in my reading... like a buzzing pesky insect.  Something naggingly
     annoying that I'd just like to snap my fingers and make it stop. ;)

>>      I'm known among my friends for not even hearing them speak
>>      (unless they're in my range of vision or speaking loudly) when
>> I'm engrossed in a good book.  Likewise, if something/someone
>> creates enough of a distraction to actually make me notice
>>      it/them, I'm more likely to be mildly annoyed than pleased at the
>> disturbance.*
> I ended up with a set of mental filters since I am averse to being
> unaware of my environment in some cases. I can read at full speed right
> in the middle of a group conversation, and I won't consciously process
> any of it unless the filters catch something - someone says my name, for
> example; or says something upon which I have a strong opinion. The
> sensation of the filters catching something is a bit odd; it's almost
> like waking up to the sound of voices - you comprehend that the voices
> are there, and then in the next few seconds the sentences actually start
> making sense / being processed.

     Agreed.  I do the same thing... sometimes when someone is speaking
     at me... kinda like seeing a word whizz by but red-tinted, so you
     instinctively say, "What??  What were you saying about dinner,
     drinks, and sex on the beach?  Rewind, please?!"

     I can't even begin to count the number of times since getting my
     TiVo that I wished upon wish to have a rewind button for EVERYTHING
     in life...  :)  Radio, conversations, etc.

     When the Cyberpunk age arrives, sign me up for an earjack!
