
Damiano's Lute

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Tue Nov 26 14:37:02 PST 2002

> Yes.  We've given up a *lot* of war.  And we're even starting to
> require international consensus to wage it.  Even when we, the
> remaining superpower, are involved.
> Slavery is another one we've made great progress in giving up.
> We're also improving our record on ecological stability fairly
> quickly. 
> Not to say we've *arrived* on these or any other issues, mind you! 

Phew!  Glad I caught that before I started in.  Wasn't going
to be that bad, just a comment that, though we've made progress,
we've also side-stepped many issues.  I mean, yes we've made
progress, but in some issues, instead of "fixing" the problem,
we seem to just shuffle it around, creating new problems, or
calling old problems new names.

We may have come far in the last few centuries, but compared
to where I'd like to see us, we're a LONG way off...  (Kinda like
congratulating the marathon runner after the first hundred yards...<grin>:)

Chris (Who's way too messed in the head.  Optimism and Pessimism?  Sure!;)

"He is a lover of his country who rebukes and does
not excuse its sins." - Frederick Douglass