
Damiano's Lute

Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com
Tue Nov 26 20:35:43 PST 2002

(Boy, what a free-for-all.  This is the most traffic I've seen on this list
so far. :-)

Chris Olson - SunPS wrote:
> (and I won't get into my ex's view of "Every thought, feeling,
> idea, concept, sense, etc., is all a product of chemical reactions
> in our brain, and it's perfectly possible that no one is in the
> universe except me"...  It's a little too much...:)

Oh, why not?

Except for the bit of solipsism at the end, that statement appears to be
true.  When I was in college twenty years ago, neuroscience had already
gotten a handle on a few things, and lately it seems that hardly a week
goes by that some new neural mechanism isn't uncovered and explained.
More and more, it appears that we truly _are_ these wet, mushy lumps
inside our skulls.

And, the more I learn about this kind of thing, the more I wonder whether
we would, after all, be able to communicate effectively with an intelligent
being from a different evolutionary background.  It seems that huge areas
of our basic modes of communication are based in our neurophysiology.

Interesting times, these, definitely.
Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com	http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/