
Damiano's Lute

Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com
Tue Nov 26 21:13:20 PST 2002

Erik Dahl wrote:
> I find this recent trend towards defining atheism as a religion of non-belief
> very disconcerting. Instead of maintaining that atheism is "belief in no god,"
> or "belief there is no god," can't we say instead that it is "no belief in
> god?" For me, at any rate, it is more about not believing in something than
> believing in something opposed to something else. 

That has always been my position, the many times I've engaged in this kind
of discussion.  It's not a belief, it's a _lack_ of belief.  I similarly
don't believe that an invisible asthmatic squid is hovering over my lamp,
as well.

I don't know why this seems so difficult for some folks to understand.
Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com	http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/