> > Chris (Who got to be crucified on stage!!) <big grin> > > You played the big J in Jesus Christ Superstar? > > (/me was one of the Apostles in a Central CA theatre > production of the same.) ;) Yep! And I got the pictures to prove it! (They also let me keep my loincloth and crown of thorns, which are up in my room. And I claim to be an agnostic!!) LOL. Irony, thy name is Chris... <grin> Where in Central CA? My production was in May of this year, in the Bay Area. It was fun!! (And so, so terribly wrong. But hey, I know why they cast me; I look far too much the part when I grow some facial hair...:) As a semi-topical aside: Have you read Christopher Moore's book "Lamb - The Gospels According to Biff, Christs' Childhood Pal"? It's hysterical, and VERY good... "What should we give the dumbf**ks?" "How about a fruit basket?" (JC and Biff, writing the Sermon on the Mount speach...:) Chris (Who had WAY too much fun with that show...;)