
Agnostic definition... or not.

Dennis Higbee den at monger.net
Wed Nov 27 14:33:03 PST 2002

On Wed, 27 Nov 2002, Rick Castello wrote:
> Scott Raun said:
> > My favorite definition of agnostic is 'I don't know and I don't care'.

>      These are two different meanings, and do not track.
>      One is a merely logical statement:
>        I do not and cannot with existing evidence know if there is
>        a being matching current agreed-upon definitions of God.
>      The other is making a value judgement:
>        If there were a being matching God, I would not care about it.
>      Not the same, and though the second may be an opinion of SOME
>      agnostics, it is NOT part of the definition of agnostic.

They're put in the same sentence because they are connected statements.
"I do not and cannot with existing evidence know if there is a being 
matching current agreed-upon definitions of God.  Given that this is the 
case, I have no interest in pursuing the question."

At least that's how I read the above statement.
