
Agnostic definition... or not.

Wed Nov 27 21:08:11 PST 2002

Rick Castello wrote:
> Gametech said:
>> Rick Castello wrote:
>>>      I am agnostic, but I'll tell you now that if the available
>>>      evidence DID change, and it could be PROVEN that there is a
>>> being matching one of the many descriptions of God, I would be VERY
>>> interested to learn more about it, and ask a hell of a lot of
>>> questions.
>>>      I might get squashed for my impudence, but I'd certainly TRY to
>>> get some answers to some interesting questions.  :)
>> I think the word imprudent fits.
>      Perhaps, if you believe in an Old Testament God who'd squash me
>      for simply having the gall to ASK a question.
>      I said what I meant, and I meant what I said... (an elephant's
>      faithful, one hundred percent!)
>      Imprudent:
>        Unwise or indiscreet; not prudent.
>      Impudent:
>        Characterized by offensive boldness; insolent or impertinent.
>      If I asked my question rudely, my impudence would be my undoing;
>      it is my rudeness that would be imprudent.
>      -Rick

Oh, heh believe it or not I actually typed this response to

>> On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 12:05:36PM -0500, Peter H. Granzeau wrote:
>>> I went hunting once for a word to describe lack of belief in any
>>> Deity  (including active non-belief in a Deith) and failed
>>> miserably.  I always  wondered if "infidel" fit?  It's got a lot of
>>> baggage, unfortunately.  We  need something that not only says
>>> "there is no God", but says, "and I don't  care if there is one or
>>> not".

, it just happens to be coincidence that you had used the word impudence
further in the message and that I thought I was responding to an earlier
piece of the thread, I was trying to help define the word Athiest whom
doesn't care which I don't believe agnostic defines it perfectly (neither
does imprudence but it does describe the making of a strong decision and not
caring in a round about way)