
Domino's Lute

Thu Nov 28 01:17:28 PST 2002

At 09:01 PM 11/27/2002 -0600, Matthew Hunter wrote:
>On Wed, Nov 27, 2002 at 04:20:30PM -0800, Steven Brust 
><skzb at dreamcafe.com> wrote:
> > Rubbish.  Anyone who has even studied Japanese karate knows that there is
> > belief in, and certainly reverence for, superhuman powers in
> > Buddhism.  Indeed, Buddhism, more than any other region that comes to 
> mind,
> > is all *about* supernatural powers, revering them, and how to get them for
> > yourself.
>I suspect you are conflating certain polluting factors in
>Japanese religion generally with Buddhism specifically.  Buddhism
>in its original form is relatively free of supernatural powers;
>it deals with "enlightenment" which does not necessarily grant
>any special powers, but rather is a product of your own

Okay, then.  Please explain how reincarnation works without defying natural 