
There are 201 unread Mail messages in your Inbox

Thu Nov 28 01:02:27 PST 2002

On Thu, Nov 28, 2002 at 04:05:01AM -0500, Claire Rojstaczer <ambyrglow at softhome.net> wrote:
> >  If you use outlook express, then you won't be waiting an hour to 
> >download a g'jillion *yes, that is a real number...at least today it 
> >is :)* emails with most having been rather off-topic recently in my 
> >opinion.
> Is it possible for a discussion to be off-topic if the author who is 
> the topic of the list is participating in the discussion?

Depends on the list.

On the Continuing Time list, there were two main threads of 
discussion: the writing of the author (Daniel Keys Moran) and the 
(usually political) discussions spawned by those writings.  There 
were enough of the latter, and enough interest in them, to form a 
separate list based on the first, for explicitly off-topic 
discussions that included the same basic audience of people who 
participated in the original list.

That model seems to be working pretty well.

Disclaimer: I run the spin-off list I mentioned.

Matthew Hunter (matthew at infodancer.org)
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