
Damiano's Lute

chris cunningham chrislee at neo.rr.com
Thu Nov 28 03:24:16 PST 2002

From: "Steven Brust" <skzb at dreamcafe.com>
> >since we would
> >have explained everything with science that religion
> >sought to answer.  I think there are questions that
> >are unanswerable by science
> That's true, science can never understand how the solar system works.  Oh,
> wait.  Well, science can never understand what causes polio.  Oh,
> nuts.  Hmmm.  Well, science can never understand life.  Oh, that
> too?  Well, I'm sure science can never understand....uh...human
> emotion!  There we go!  And that's where God lives.  *whew*  Glad we found

you're a wicked man, jimmy cobham, wicked and keen, like the edge of a

chris cunningham
np:  moby - "natural blues"