

Thu Nov 28 09:56:57 PST 2002

For me, the be-all and end-all is a free-range, fresh-killed (and I 
don't mean "fresh" as in has had ice crystals in its gizzard for two 
weeks) turkey, which I *finally* scored in the Twin Cities!!!

Oyster dressing has a very creditable source; I found it in Joy of 
Cooking.  Of course, anyone who doesn't like oysters shouldn't go there...

Glenn was responsible for the forcemeat under the skin of the 
breast--sausage, herbs, and seasonings.  We feel this is particularly 
important with free-range birds, which do not have fist-sized clumps of 
fat in all the crevices.

I'll let y-all know how it turned out.

Happy Thanksgiving (or whatever you call it when there's nobody to give 
thanks to!  ;->  )
