Things I am thankful for: 1) I am thankful that we live in a high-tech society where this sort of discussion is even physically possible. 2) I am thankful that we can have a long debate on religion without anyone being in danger of being arrested and charged with heresy, blasphemy or just plain being of the wrong religion (or lack of religion, or having religion at all). 3) I am thankful that for the most part, this discussion has been intelligent, civil & courteous. I hate flamefests. 4) I am *deeply* thankful that I am not a turkey (and neither is anyone else I know). "WHAT IS THIS DANCE?" "Harvest dance. You know? It's tradition. When the harvest is in. It's sort of a celebration, and like a thanksgiving." "THANKSGIVING TO WHO?" "Dunno. No one in particular, I reckon. Just general thankfulness, I suppose." -- Death & Mrs. Flitworth, from "Reaper Man", by Terry Pratchett.