Matthew Hunter writes: Are you responsible for the actions of your children once they reach adulthood and attain free will? This is a terrible assumption, in my opinion. Nobody attains free will ("free will" itself is a canard, painted as an opposite to "fate", when they're really the same damned thing); we're born with the ability to make decisions, and as our mind develops, we can make more complex decisions. "Adulthood" as it exists in most of Western civilization is pretty broken, too; upon puberty, we should be helping kids to start making 'adult' decisions, but instead we continue to treat them as children. Then 18 rolls along and we suddenly let go. "You're on your own!" I think adults are responsible, to some degree, for how their children behave, but not for their actions. If that makes any sense. rone -- New from the makers of Li'l Swimmers: Li'l Eaters. Edible underwear that looks just like Mommy's and Daddy's! - Kibo