
A question re: Beginning Fantasy for Youth

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Thu Nov 28 17:08:33 PST 2002

	[David Rodemaker?]
#> I can't think of medium-to-large 'sized' concept from Christianity
#> that I cannot find without difficulty in LOTR.

#And I can find Judaic concepts in Christian Myths. I can find Druidic
#concepts in Christian Myths. I can find Wiccan concepts in Christian
#Myths. I can find Buddhist concepts in Christian Myths.
#This does not make Christianity Pagan or Buddhist any more than
#finding Christian concepts in LotR makes it a "Christian" work.

W.r.t. allegory, Tolkien said somewhere that there is a world of
difference between what a reader reads into a work and what the writer
wrote into it.

-- Mark A. Mandel