
A question re: Beginning Fantasy for Youth

Mark A Mandel mam at theworld.com
Thu Nov 28 17:17:45 PST 2002

Ooh! Ooh! I'm sorry, but Dr. Whom can't resist this pair:

	[attribution lost]
#>Yes, but the word was unbeleivable.
That's                  unbelIEvable
	[Julie Alipaz]
#  actually, inconcieveable
And *that's* inconcEIveable

All together, now, class:
	I before E,
	except after C
	or when pronounced "ay",
	as in "neighbor" and "weigh".

(Or any other time that it's followed by "gh", as in "height"
 and in some other words that you just have to call exceptions,
 like "seize".)

-- Dr. Whom, Consulting Linguist, Grammarian, Orthoepist, and
   Philological Busybody
   a.k.a. Mark A. Mandel