
The Religion Debate

David Dyer-Bennet dd-b at dd-b.net
Thu Nov 28 21:51:41 PST 2002

David Silberstein <davids at kithrup.com> writes:

> On 27 Nov 2002, David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> >
> >I object strenuously to the whole concept of religion, spirituality,
> >etc.  It's superstitious nonsense, and hurts people, and destroys
> >great civilizations.
> >
> Eh.  I sometimes think this, but I am less certain than you are.
> The way I would re-phrase your statement is that cruelty and wilfull
> stupidity hurt people, and that all too often religion is used as an
> excuse to commit cruel and stupid acts.
> But religion or spirituality is just a way of thinking and/or feeling
> about the universe.  It may not the "best" way to think or feel about
> the universe, but it can just as easily be neutral or positive as
> negative in its effects. 

Religion introduces the infinite into the discussion.  It takes the
discussion outside of human scale.  This leads to all sorts of
unavoidable human mistakes -- we can't think meaningfully at that

> If religion is harmful, does it necessarily follow that the absence of
> religion is beneficial?

Relatively, yes.  

For me the real bottom-line argument is that religion, any religion,
is *false*.  Basing your life on a falsehood is bad.

> The usual counterexample, by the way, to "religion considered harmful"
> is Josef Stalin - a non-religious man, he believed in himself, and in
> his right to kill or imprison anyone who disagreed with him.  *shrug*
> Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

At least nobody thought they'd go to hell for killing him -- just to
prison for being caught trying.
David Dyer-Bennet, dd-b at dd-b.net  /  http://www.dd-b.net/dd-b/
 John Dyer-Bennet 1915-2002 Memorial Site http://john.dyer-bennet.net
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