
The Religion Debate

Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com
Fri Nov 29 09:50:03 PST 2002

Lydia Nickerson wrote:
> The books don't exist by themselves, they were written by human 
> beings, often for somewhat venal reasons.  Was it Jeremiah that was 
> written to justify the new line of kings and the changes in the 
> religious structure?  Joshua and Judges were written to prove that 
> the Israelites were entitled to the land they'd stolen from the 
> Canaanites. The Gospels were written as propaganda to prove that 
> Christ was the Messiah, and tell several flat out whoppers to 
> accomplish that.

Yes, and most often this stuff was written _after_ the fact, particularly
the NT.  Most of which was written, when, ca 100 AD?
Frank Mayhar frank at exit.com	http://www.exit.com/
Exit Consulting                 http://www.gpsclock.com/