
Straw Poll about "Reply-to" (was: Damiano's Lute)

Fri Nov 29 15:39:49 PST 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Nancy Thuleen [mailto:nthuleen at students.wisc.edu] 
> Sent: Friday, November 29, 2002 9:22 AM
> To: dragaera at dragaera.info
> Subject: Re: Straw Poll about "Reply-to" (was: Damiano's Lute)

> Definitely not.  This is what puzzles me: I'm on 5 or 6 lists 
> like this one (discussion-based lists), and with only one 
> exception, they all have the reply-to set to the individual 
> poster, just like this list -- correctly, in other words. :)  

Interesting.  I'm on ...well, more lists than I can accurrately count
(at least 10, maybe as many as 20), and I'm pretty certain this is the
only one that is configured this way, which is why it is so problematic
for me. :)

Hmm. Perhaps I should survey my lists, just to see for sure.)

Not includinig dragaera.info lists: 18 lists, which as it turns out
there are a mere 2 others that operate in the same fashion as the /this/
dragaera list (note, I've not counted any of the "announce-only"
lists...no one replies to those, anyway, nor did I count lists which I'm
on, but are effectively dead -- no activity in months.).