
Straw Poll about Reply-to

Rick Castello rick at 404.978.org
Fri Nov 29 17:37:46 PST 2002

> In a message dated 11/29/2002 3:39:56 PM Eastern Standard
> Time, "Rick Castello" <rick at 404.978.org> writes:
> I (gaertk at aol.com) wrote:
>>> Some of us aren't priveledged enough to be even *able* to
>>> use email clients of any sort.
>>     Webmail counts as an email client, and is no excuse.
> I'm on Aol.  Aol doesn't use POP3, IMAP, nor SMTP for
> handling email (for its members).  How exactly is a web
> client (other than the lousy one I'm using to write this)
> going to help me?

     AOL is best used as a simple dialup connection.
     They have dialup numbers everywhere, but their actual
     software blows pygmy goats.

     Once connected, minimize their client, open a clean
     real browser, and use someone else's webmail tool. :)

     If you'd like a free webmail account on my server
     (using SquirrelMail, natch), you're welcome to it.
     Just reply to sender (grin) and I'll set you up.
