
The Religion Debate

Fri Nov 29 18:26:27 PST 2002

At 01:23 PM 11/29/2002 -0400, Alex Nixon wrote:
>My problem is not with his questioning of religion's place in our society.
>It is with the anger and resentment he expresses towards it.
>Given that religion isn't going away anytime soon, I feel it would be more 
>productive to continue to question its importance, but do so with a lot 
>less hostility.

Oh, Feh.  What you're reading as hostility is simply passion.  And I, for 
one, think that if one is not passionate about a discussion, the discussion 
stops being fun.  No one has introduced personalities, we've all just been 
expression strong opinions about things we all feel are very 
important.  What's wrong with that?