
Incredible Shrinking God? (Was Re: Damiano's Lute)

Fri Nov 29 21:17:38 PST 2002

On Fri, Nov 29, 2002 at 07:57:52PM -0800, Steven Brust wrote:

> shrunk *considerably* since the middle ages.  Even the Roman Catholic 
> Church, among the most reactionary segments, has admitted the validity of 
> evolution, and even confessed that Gallileo was right (though they have not 
> yet given up on miricles, which have been described "God interrupting 
> Himself).

I think John Paul II has doubled the number of saints.  Or something along the
lines of "has canonized an amazingly large number".  And every canonization
requires three miracles...

-xx- Damien X-)