

chris cunningham chrislee at neo.rr.com
Sat Nov 30 18:03:52 PST 2002

From: "Davis, Iain E." <feaelin at kemenel.org>
>Regrettably, a summer where mom raised too many Zuchini has left me
>hating Zucchini.  Although I sometimes like it batter fried. :)

ah, the best way to prepare this, to my mind, is to slice the zucchini very
thin, like 1/8 of an inch or thinner, lengthwise, and use a light, yolk-less
batter. used to be an italian place nearby that served it this way.  just
barely crisp, mmmmmm...

gonna go have me a slice of the bread with far too much butter,
chris cunningham
np: bob marley & the wailers "picture on the wall"