

Mon Dec 2 09:42:40 PST 2002

On Mon, Dec 02, 2002 at 08:58:40AM -0800, Damien Sullivan wrote:

> > of the evolutionary findings, has been blown out of the water when it was
> > discovered that Eohippus is not extinct at all, nor the ancestor of our
> > horses, but it alive and well in the brushlands of Africa.

> I have no opinion on whether the okapi really is so similar to Eohippus, as
> some creationist websites claim (I just googled for 'Eohippus Africa'.)
> Others seem to mention the hyrax instead, which seems like a jump.  But

Looks like I misinterpreted.  The websites were saying Hipparion, a later
species, looks like the okapi, usually considered a relative of the giraffe.
They also claimed Eohippus or Hyracotherium was the modern hyrax (South
America, not Africa) which looks like a rabbit.  As for that claim...


with nice pictures of the skulls of Eohippus and the hyrax.  They don't really
look alike.


-xx- Damien X-)