> >Of course, only agnosticism is actually *reasonable*. > > Well, I'd change "only" to "at most" or "not even" :<) Or "Of course, agnosticism is the most reasonable. At least at this time." How's that? <grin> > Regardless of where on the spectrum presented in these columns one sits, > one is still faced with questions like > > Should I support slavery? Uh... No. (Depending on what type of "slavery" you're talking about. I'm a little fuzzy on my stance for at least one kind, thanks to a couple of people on this list... <grin>) > Should I really support it but pretend to condemn it. Oh, sure. Hide your hypocracy!! Tehehe... > Should I support Dean Swift's modest proposal? (Chris shows his ignorance: Which proposal would this be?) > Should I support berth (sic) control? Depends on the type. But really, it's no business of anyones besides those who take it. > Should (a variety of other topics which you can supply but which I omitted > out of consideration for any net nannies) Uh... Yes! Er... No! Uh... I don't know!! > Should I condemn all violence in any form? Yes, but it doesn't mean you need to be a pacifist. Pacifism is something we, as a race, just aren't ready for. To my way of thinking, violence should be used in self defense, and that's it (though, I'll admit, that may be my old martial arts instructor talking...:) > If not, are there levels of condemnable violence and what are they? Here's the low-down: 1. Beating someone over the head with a pogo-stick - OK 2. Slapping someone upside the head when they deserve it - OK 3. Slapping someone upside the head with a pogo-stick when they don't deserve it - NOT OK. 4. Sticking someone with sharp, pointy things after they asked for a cup of sugar - Depends on how much they asked for... All other forms of violence are condemnable, unless soapy frogs or rabid wildebeasts are used. (Soapy frogs and wildebeasts are ALWAYS ok...:) <The above low-down was a joke. Please disregard as serious...> > Should I hide my head in the sand on these issues as much as possible? Hey. If you can't see them, they can't see you, right? Heh, Chris