
The Great Debate....to DDB

Chris Olson - SunPS Chrisf.Olson at Sun.COM
Mon Dec 2 15:30:13 PST 2002

> >Of course, only agnosticism is actually *reasonable*.
> Well, I'd change "only" to "at most" or "not even"  :<)

Or "Of course, agnosticism is the most reasonable.  At
least at this time."  How's that? <grin>

> Regardless of where on the spectrum presented in these columns one sits,
> one is still faced with questions like
> Should I support slavery?

Uh... No.  (Depending on what type of "slavery" you're
talking about.  I'm a little fuzzy on my stance for at
least one kind, thanks to a couple of people on this list... <grin>)

> Should I really support it but pretend to condemn it.

Oh, sure.  Hide your hypocracy!! Tehehe...

> Should I support Dean Swift's modest proposal?

(Chris shows his ignorance: Which proposal would this be?)

> Should I support berth (sic) control?

Depends on the type.  But really, it's no business of anyones
besides those who take it.

> Should (a variety of other topics which you can supply but which I omitted
> out of consideration for any net nannies)

Uh... Yes!  Er... No!  Uh... I don't know!!

> Should I condemn all violence in any form?

Yes, but it doesn't mean you need to be a pacifist.  Pacifism
is something we, as a race, just aren't ready for.  To my way
of thinking, violence should be used in self defense, and that's
it (though, I'll admit, that may be my old martial arts instructor

> If not, are there levels of condemnable violence and what are they?

Here's the low-down:

1. Beating someone over the head with a pogo-stick - OK
2. Slapping someone upside the head when they deserve it - OK
3. Slapping someone upside the head with a pogo-stick when
	they don't deserve it - NOT OK.
4. Sticking someone with sharp, pointy things after they asked for
	a cup of sugar - Depends on how much they asked for...
All other forms of violence are condemnable, unless soapy frogs
or rabid wildebeasts are used. (Soapy frogs and wildebeasts are
ALWAYS ok...:)

<The above low-down was a joke.  Please disregard as serious...>

> Should I hide my head in the sand on these issues as much as possible?

Hey.  If you can't see them, they can't see you, right?
